Arguably the most notable literary achievement of the British Romantic period, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (1818) spawned a veritable industry of Frankenstein inspired adaptations, products, and other cultural artifacts. The novel itself drew on Christian and pagan mythology, debates in contemporary science, and the poetry of its age. Our exhibit explores the novel as a poweful cultural mediator, beginning in Ancient Greece with the myth of Prometheus and ending with contemporary adaptions of the novel, including video games, webseries, and a heavy metal song by Metallica. For this exhibit, students in ENG 337B have chosen cultural artifacts that testify to Frankenstein’s ability to shape debates about ethics and science, the arts, and education.

Inspired by the NEH’s and the Keats-Shelley Association's 2018 celebration of Frankenstein’s 200th birthday, this exhibit was created for education purposes only. It was constructed by the Central Michigan University students enrolled in Dr. JoEllen DeLucia’s ENG337B with the assistance of Professor Aparna Zambare.

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